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On the release of goods without Presentation of B/L in carriage of goods by sea/董刚

作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-02 12:15:13  浏览:8473   来源:法律资料网
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On the release of goods without Presentation of B/L in carriage of goods by sea
——Taking into consideration the introspection and query to the focus of issue of releasing of goods without B/L

Summary Introduction

Bills of lading, the document invented by European merchant, has become the basis of international trade and shipping by hundreds of years’ practice, customs and improvements.[1] These years, the case of taking delivery without B/L has been a large proportion in maritime trials, becoming the focus of the issue of B/L. It has been a long time people argued its nature, legal responsibility and the legal validity of the letter of guarantee. Some people even say “taking delivery without B/L nearly is one of the ‘aberrant’ ocean carriage acts relating to the most problems in theory and practice.”[2] It will be necessary to thrash over the problem for carrier, the owner of goods, agent of shipping and goods and the parties of trade, and it will be beneficial to improve our credit of foreign trade. This article will regulate these issues systematically and try to interpellate the viewpoint about the character of this act and the validity of the letter of guarantee. Meanwhile it will recognize the legal responsibility of the issue logically from a new angular .At last it will give some resolutions to solve the problem of taking delivery without original B/L.

List of content

1. Legal basis of taking delivery with original B/L:
(a). The legal character of B/L demands of taking delivery with original B/L
(b). Taking delivery with original B/L is an international usage
2. The judgment, causality, typical model and demur of the act of releasing of goods without B/L:
(a). The criterion for judgment of the act of releasing of goods without B/L
(b). The causality and typical model of releasing of goods without B/L
(c). The demur of releasing of goods without B/L
3. The responsibility attribution and exertion of legal capacity to sue of releasing of goods without B/L—— the criticism to the “doctrine of breach of contract ”, “doctrine of tort ”, “doctrine of concurrent”
(a). The doctrines of the responsibility attribution of releasing of goods without B/L and the evaluation of them
(b). The posteriori from the logically subsequent of the responsibility attribution of releasing of goods without B/L
4. Letter of guarantee of releasing of goods without B/L—— the interpellation to recent theory and practice
(a). The nature of letter of guarantee
(b). The validity of letter of guarantee —— the interpellation to the criterion of “good faith and malice”.
(c). The extending tendency of the independence of letter of guarantee ——Demand Guarantees.
5. The resolution to the issue of releasing of goods without B/L.
(a). The advice given to solve the issue
(b). The evaluation to the advice mentioned above and the viewpoint about it

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财政部 国家税务总局


1996-02-16财政部 国家税务总局






                     自治区主席 乌力吉
第一条 为发展农村、牧区经济,促进畜牧业的全面发展,本着合理负担的原则,制定本办法。
第二条 牧业税实行以牲畜头(只)数计征的定额税制。
第三条 自治区内饲养下列牲畜的机关、团体、部队、企业事业单位和个人,是牧业税的纳税人:
第四条 牧业税的纳税人应当按本办法规定,每年缴纳一次牧业税。
第五条 下列牲畜免征牧业税:
(一) 当年仔畜;
(二) 良种公畜(畜牧部门认定的);
(三) 耕役畜(包括乘马);
(四) 配种站的种畜和科研单位专门用作科学试验的牲畜;
(五) 残疾人饲养的牲畜;
(六) 牧区学校勤工俭学饲养的牲畜。
第六条 牧业税按应税牲畜定额征收,实行下列统一税额:
第七条 牧业税每年以6月末牧业普查数字作为计税依据。
第八条 牧业税由旗县或者苏木乡镇地方税务机关在牲畜出售季节征收。
第九条 牧业税一律征收货币。
第十条 牲畜因遭受自然灾害和疫病死亡5%以上的,由纳税人提出申请,经苏木乡镇地方税务机关审查,报旗县地方税务机关和财政部门批准,按下列规定给予减税或者免税:
第十一条 纳税人应当向地方税务机关如实申报牲畜数字和死亡损失情况。
第十二条 生产、生活有困难的农牧民,可以提出申请,经苏木乡镇地方税务机关审查,报旗县地方税务机关批准,适当给予社会减免照顾。社会减免的总体比例,控制在当地应征税额5%以内,最高不超过8%。
第十三条 地方税务机关从牧业税实征税额中,提取不高于5%的征收经费,用于征收业务费支出。
第十四条 本办法所称“以上”、“以下”均包括本数。
第十五条 牧业税的征收管理,参照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》、《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法实施细则》的有关规定执行。
第十六条 本办法具体应用的问题,由自治区地方税务机关负责解释。
第十七条 本办法自1996年1月1日起施行。1989年9月28日自治区人民政府发布的《内蒙古自治区牧业税征收办法》(内政发〔1989〕128号)同时废止。
